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Aldebaran - Nazi - N.A.S.A. Pt. 1

Updated on July 30, 2013

Advanced Civilization?

Underground Civilization
Underground Civilization


Aldebaran, better known as Alpha Tauri, is located in the taurus system, some 65 light years from our own Sun. Despite the distance, it is still one of the brightest stars in the night sky. This is because it is believed to be an Orange Giant, approximately 44.2 times the size of the Sun.

According to a novel published in 1871, by the author Edward Bulwer –Lytton named the “Coming Race”. An explorer found living, underground, an advanced human race. They supposedly called themselves “Vril-ya” and they claimed to of moved underground due to a horrendous destruction on earth, similar to the great flood of Noah. Their ability to of survived, they said was the knowledge of Vril. A source of energy not yet known of, on the surface. Not electricity, more based on gravity.

Some think that Lyttons' work is not all fiction but based on secret scripts, hidden in the Gobi desert and Tibet.

These scripts apparently talk of a race of people coming from the Aldebaran star system. It is said that these people could build flying machines, flying saucers. These machines were called “ Vimana”. In 1055 a poem written by Saramangama Sutradhara’ says of the flying machine:

Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury, which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of a Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, or move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of machines, human beings can fly through the air and heavenly beings can come down to Earth.”

Fact or Fiction?

The Bell
The Bell
The Nazi
The Nazi
Did they succeed?
Did they succeed?

The Nazi

During the period between the World War 1 and World War 11, Germany seemed to spend a lot of attention to the Thrule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, who claimed had received, telepathic messages from an extraterrestrial race from Aldebaran, a distant star system. It is worth noting here that the Vril Society traced its philosophical origins back to a secret Bavarian, Gnostic-Templar order styling itself as “The Lords of the Black Stone” founded in 1221; an order steeped in ancient Babylonian and Sumerian theologies.

The Nazi regime, claimed, with the help of the Aldebaran, tried to perfect a machine that could travel through, both space and maybe time. They wanted to create a machine that could ensure their prominence in the World.

To this end, it is said that the Nazis Experimented, space and time travel, with a machine known as The Bell. However, although the machine may have been built, the Russian advance of WW 11, meant that the experiment had to be terminated, along with 60 scientists working on the project, by the SS.

It is perhaps for this reason that today there is so much notice being taken by Yahoo News, Google and the International media, about a mysterious Nazi Bell being found in Austria after over 60 years of being unnoticed.

As well as paying attention to the so called "messages", German scientists, who survived this period, claim that the Nazis' were also in possession of some ancient scripts from the Indian region.

Were the Nazis' really in possession of advanced technologies from another planet? If so what happened to this knowledge?


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